Calling Ethlie Ann Vare’s oeuvre “eclectic” is correct, but doesn’t go far enough to capture the range of her work. Starting in pop culture with biographies of rock stars including Ozzy Osbourne and Steve Nicks, she segued into pop history with award-winning biographies of women innovators Mothers of Invention: From the Bra to the Bomb, Forgotten Women and Their Unforgettable Ideas and Patently Female: From AZT to TV Dinners, Stories of Women Inventors and Their Breakthrough Ideas. She took a left turn into her childhood love of science fiction for the novel Andromeda: The Broken Places before starting her groundbreaking work in the world of addiction and recovery for the frank and funny Love Addict: Sex, Romance and Other Dangerous Drugs. Her latest offering is a children’s picture book: WOOF!, a sweet story about a girl and her… dog? Wolf? You decide.

In newspapers, in magazines, and on television, Ethlie Ann Vare was an arbiter of musical taste and purveyor of celebrity gossip for a generation. Her syndicated newspaper column ROCK ON appeared regularly in 1,700 publications worldwide and was named a Top 10 Syndicated Column by Editor & Publisher magazine. As the editor of ROCK Magazine, she interviewed pop icons as diverse as David Cassidy of the Partridge Family to Joe Strummer of The Clash. She reviewed rock concerts for Billboard, Daily Variety and The Hollywood Reporter and rock albums for the New York Times, and dished on rock stars for E! Entertainment Televisions’s The Gossip Show. Today, she writes reviews for The Hollywood Times and is developing a podcast featuring her celebrity interview tapes from the ‘80s.
“For a tree-hugging pacifist, I spend an inordinate amount of time stabbing people and blowing up planets,” says Ethlie Ann Vare, whose television and film writing is almost all cop shows, science fiction and horror. (She did once write for STRONG MEDICINE, but there was still blood involved…) Ethlie was one of the original writer/producers on GENE RODDENBERRY’S ANDROMEDA — winning a Prism Award for the episode “It Makes A Lovely Light” — as well as a staffer on the Roddenberry series EARTH: FINAL CONFLICT. She has written and/or produced episodes of CSI, RENEGADE, SILK STALKINGS, VIP, BEASTMASTER, JANE DOE and Dick Wolf’s PLAYERS, and co-written a handful of creature features for the SyFy Channel, such as SWAMP DEVIL and BLACK SWARM. She also co-wrote and mounted the acclaimed “one-and-a-half woman show,” THESE WOMEN WILL F**K YOU UP.”

Fun Fact:
Ethlie went to prison at the age of 21 for drug possession. She has been clean and sober since 1988.